Caught in the act: Man in BIG trouble for pretending to be Vice President Chiwenga on WhatsApp


Man granted bail after impersonating Vice President Chiwenga in WhatsApp group

In a peculiar turn of events, a 36-year-old artisanal miner named Rodwell Gowere from Shurugwi has found himself in court for impersonating Vice President Constantino Chiwenga in a political WhatsApp group.

Gowere, who used the tag name ‘General G Chiwenga,’ actively participated in the group, responding and commenting on various updates using his Econet line.

During his appearance before Harare magistrate Dennis Mangosi, Gowere was granted bail in the amount of US$100. However, he is expected to return to court on January 15 next year to face charges related to his impersonation of the Vice President.

The State has deemed Gowere’s actions as unlawful, accusing him of impersonating a public figure of such high stature. Zebediah Bofu represented the State during the court proceedings.

Impersonation cases involving prominent individuals in digital platforms are not uncommon. Such incidents raise concerns over the potential consequences of identity misrepresentation and the spread of false information. While social media platforms provide spaces for discussion and interaction, it is crucial for users to exercise responsibility and adhere to ethical guidelines.

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