Man sneaks into married woman’s bedroom at night and finds her asleep, removes his trousers and…


In a deeply disturbing incident that has sent shockwaves through the community, a 42-year-old man from the Chief Gambiza area in Gweru has been brought before the Gweru Magistrates’ Court, facing grave charges of rape. The accused allegedly violated a sleeping woman in her own bedroom, leaving the victim traumatized and seeking justice for the heinous crime committed against her.

According to the National Prosecuting Authority of Zimbabwe, the chilling incident occurred on the night of 7th June 2024, around 11:00 PM. The accused surreptitiously gained entry into the complainant’s bedroom, where she lay asleep and unaware of the impending danger. The victim was unclothed, with her two-year-old baby nestled beside her, innocent and oblivious to the horrors about to unfold.

Without hesitation, the accused proceeded to remove his trousers and forcibly raped the defenseless woman. Awakened by the assault, the victim bravely illuminated the darkness with a torch, managing to identify her attacker — the very person who was perpetrating this abhorrent violation upon her. In a desperate attempt to conceal his actions, the accused pleaded for forgiveness, urging her to keep quiet about the incident before hastily departing the scene.

Overwhelmed by the trauma and seeking solace in the arms of her husband, the grievously affected woman disclosed the horrifying encounter upon his return home around midnight. Recognizing the gravity of the situation, the couple wasted no time in reporting the incident to the police, promptly initiating an investigation that led to the arrest of the accused perpetrator.

As the court proceedings unfolded, the accused person was remanded in custody, awaiting further legal proceedings to determine his fate and ensure justice is served for the victim and her family.

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