Kenya climbs to 3rd most attractive African country for high incomes


Kenya is the third most preferred African country by immigrants seeking high income, according to a new report that showcases what draws foreign investors.

The Henley Opportunity Index 2024 has given Kenya a score of 25 out of 100 in terms of potential for immigrants to earn a high income from well-paying jobs, especially in the private and NGO sectors.

This further includes opportunities for generating high income from a wide array of investment options such as Treasury bills and bonds, listed and unlisted shares in companies, investments in real estate, and capital gains.

Kenya was, however, beaten to the top spot by South Africa and Mauritius that scored 41 and 26 to emerge first and second respectively.

Earning potential is one of six key metrics used by international wealth advisory firm Henley & Partners to assess how the 11 leading countries on the continent compare in career prospects and prosperity of investors.

The others are career advancement, top-tier employment prospects, premium education, economic mobility, and high livability.

All these metrics contribute to an overall score that indicates if a country has the right mix of ingredients that enable investors, especially those migrating from their countries in search of greener pastures, an ideal environment to grow and enjoy their wealth.

Kenya, which is the only East African Community member country to appear on the list, scored lowly in career advancement of individuals with a score of two out of 100 (joint eighth) while South Africa also emerged top with a score of 30.

On prospects of top-tier employment, Kenya also ranked eighth with a score of 11 and seventh on premium education with a score of 14.

On economic mobility of individuals, Kenya ranked fifth with a score of 6, while it ranked joint fourth on being highly livable with a score of 37.

On the overall opportunity score, Kenya emerged joint sixth, which means it lags behind countries such as South Africa, Mauritius, Egypt, Morocco, and Ghana in facilitating investors. – The East African.

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