Chaos as gunman refuses to pay prostitute after having lula lula with her

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Local Ƨǝx Worker Threatened at Gunpoint After Dispute Over Payment

In a troubling incident, a local ƨǝx worker was threatened at gunpoint after a dispute over payment for her services. Tafadzwa Magombedze was arraigned before the Masvingo Magistrates’ Court on two counts of violating Zimbabwe’s Firearms Act.

According to the National Prosecuting Authority of Zimbabwe, the incident occurred on May 9th, 2024. Magombedze, the accused, had engaged the services of the unnamed ƨǝx worker complainant. However, a dispute arose when Magombedze allegedly refused to pay for the complainant’s services.

Magombedze claimed the ƨǝx worker had stolen his money. He then drew a pistol and pointed it at the complainant before firing a warning shot. The ƨǝx worker reported the incident to the police, leading to Magombedze’s arrest.

Upon searching Magombedze, police found him in possession of a Star Pistol, four live rounds of ammunition, and one spent cartridge. Investigations revealed the Star Pistol was only certified for protecting cash and bullion in transit, not for Magombedze’s personal use.

Magombedze pleaded guilty to the charges of “pointing a firearm” and “knowingly and without lawful cause discharging a firearm in or upon a public place.” He is scheduled to be sentenced on May 15th, 2024.

This incident highlights the risks and vulnerabilities faced by ƨǝx workers, who often operate in precarious situations with limited protections.

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