Canaan cult leader Ishmael Chokurongerwa and 7 others denied bail! Find out why


Norton magistrate Christine Nyandoro has denied bail to Ishmael Chokurongerwa, the leader of the Canaan cult, along with seven other leaders of the Johane Masowe, Gore Jena Penyera Nyika church. The group appeared in court and will remain in custody until their next hearing on April 4.

Magistrate Nyandoro stated that while bail is a constitutional right, the interests of the nation must also be protected. Referring to section 50 of the Constitution, she explained that bail can only be denied if there are compelling reasons to do so.

The prosecution argued that releasing the accused could lead to witness interference and public outrage, as well as continued victimization of witnesses. In response, the accused pledged not to abscond and assured that they would not interfere with witnesses. They emphasized the importance of their presence in the community, as the lives of 120 people allegedly depend on them.

Ultimately, the magistrate determined that the prosecution’s reasons were compelling and outweighed the accused’s submissions. Given the accused individuals’ influence in their community, the likelihood of witness interference was deemed high.

The accused were represented by their lawyer, Purity Chikanganise.

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