Armed robbers pounce on service station, get away with US$1,220


A harrowing incident unfolded at the Energy Park Service Station in Mahusekwa as four armed suspects attacked two employees and made off with a sum of US$1,220. The local police are currently conducting an investigation into the armed robbery.

According to reports, the assailants targeted the service station during the night. The victims, identified as Mr Ever Chayani (26) and Mr Kephasi Jasi (40), were sleeping in separate rooms when the perpetrators launched their brazen attack.

Reports are that one of the suspects brandished an unidentified pistol, instigating the assault on Mr Jasi. The assailants demanded the keys to the safe and sought information on the whereabouts of the service station manager, Mr Matthew Chizanga.

In response, Mr Jasi informed the robbers that the service station manager was at his residence and held the keys to the safe. Allegedly, the armed robbers proceeded to Mr Chayani’s room, seeking to locate Mr Chizanga. However, they were also informed that he was at his home.

Subsequently, the suspects coerced the two fuel attendants to accompany them to the cash office. Along the way, they confiscated the victims’ cellphones. Once inside the cash office, the robbers ordered the attendants to lie down and proceeded to bind their hands and legs with ropes.

Inspector Simon Chazovachiyi, the police spokesperson for Mashonaland East Province, confirmed the incident, stating that the assailants led the fuel attendants to another room before returning with explosives. Reports indicate that they detonated the explosives, gaining access to the safe and seizing US$1,220 before fleeing the scene.

“It is reported that the suspects took the fuel attendants to another room. They then came back and produced some dynamites and went on to blast the safe, took US$1 220 and went away.

“The fuel attendants later managed to untie themselves and reported the case at ZRP Mahusekwa and police officers attended the scene,” said Inspector Simon Chazovachiyi.

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