Disturbing Incident: 2 women tie 3-year-old girl’s leg with rope & hang her upside down on durawall

Inspector Emmanuel Mahoko

Two women arrested for alleged child abuse following public tip-off

Two women from Chalton Park suburb in Gweru have been apprehended by the police for allegedly subjecting their children, aged three and nine, to ill-treatment. The suspects, identified as Theresa Bimbi (25) and Beauty Dube (28), are sisters-in-law, married to biological brothers. The arrests were made based on information provided by a concerned member of the public.

According to Inspector Emmanuel Mahoko, the Midlands provincial police spokesperson, the alleged incidents took place between January and February 23 within the said suburb. The three-year-old victim is Bimbi’s biological daughter, while Dube is the stepmother of the nine-year-old.

One incident involved Bimbi’s daughter, who reportedly soiled her blankets with urine in January. Enraged by this, Bimbi allegedly used a glowing log to assault the child on her stomach and private parts, resulting in serious injuries.

In another case from the same month, Dube sent her stepdaughter to buy bread from a shop. However, the girl refused, claiming she was unwell. In response, Bimbi assaulted her all over her body, and Dube joined in by forcefully hitting the child’s head against a wall, causing her left ear to swell.

On February 23, the three-year-old woke up to find her blankets soiled again. Allegedly, both suspects ordered her to take a bath, and upon compliance, they tied her left leg with a rope while she was naked. They then hung her upside down on the durawall and left her in that distressing position. The child began crying uncontrollably until a concerned member of the public intervened and rescued her.

The incident was reported to the police at ZRP Monomotapa, leading to the arrest of the sisters-in-law. The victims have been placed in the care of the Department of Social Welfare at a secure location.

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