3 Parirenyatwa hospital cleaners in trouble after stealing 200 rolls of tissue paper


Three general cleaners at Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals who stole 200 tissues and methylated spirit appeared in court yesterday.

Portia Masawi (54), Godfrey Chikondo (31) and Calvin Kwashi (29) pleaded guilty to theft when they appeared before Harare Magistrate Mr Gamuchirai Gore.

The complainant in the matter is Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals.

Handing down his ruling Mr Gore castigated the behaviour of the accused.

Initially, the three were sentenced to 12 months imprisonment with two months suspended on condition of good behaviour.

The remaining 10 months were suspended on condition that they perform 350 hours of community service starting on 14 February, at Mufakose Library, Seke North Clinic and Jonasi Primary School respectively.

State prosecutor, Ms Kenchelskis Ropi, proved that on February 10, at around 10:30 pm, Masawi stole 200 rolls of tissue papers, 4×5 litres of methylated spirit and 4 paper towels from Parirenyatwa Hospital.

Masawi went further to put the property in one of the refuse collection bags, in a garbage trolley with litter and passed through the North gate exit point which is managed by Charles Chitsike.

The court heard that Masawi then skipped the garbage bins going to the service gate where she met Chikondo who was accompanied by Kwashi.

Masawi allegedly handed the loot to her accomplices who then left Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals premises by jumping the broken fence at the service gate.

Chitsike notified his superior Temba Mwasambo about the suspicious movements of the accused persons.

Mwasambo quickly instructed one officer Faranera Takawira, who was manning the south gate entrance to apprehend the accused persons.

They were apprehended whilst in possession of garbage bags with 200 rolls of tissue paper, 4 x 5 litres of methylated spirit and 4 paper towels which were stolen by Masawi at the hospital.

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