Nelson Chamisa’s next move sparks controversy and division within ranks

Former CCC leader Nelson Chamisa

Former Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader, Nelson Chamisa, is facing criticism from within his own party ranks as Gift Siziba and Amos Chibaya take center stage in promoting his yet-to-be-launched political party. Chamisa recently stepped down from CCC leadership, citing infiltration by Zanu PF through intermediaries like self-appointed interim secretary-general, Sengezo Tshabangu.

While Chamisa’s next political move remains a mystery, former legislators Chibaya and Siziba have embarked on an extensive provincial tour, engaging grassroots supporters about the upcoming political movement, which will reportedly adopt blue as its colour. However, their actions have not been well-received by some sitting and recalled CCC legislators, who feel excluded from the decision-making process.

Sources reveal that senior opposition figures are also displeased with Chibaya and Siziba’s provincial meetings, which appear to push for a new movement without their knowledge or involvement. Former Seke legislator Willard Madzimbamuto, who was recalled by Tshabangu, expressed his frustration, highlighting the need for transparency and wider consultation in building a new movement.

Valentine Zinhumwe, CCC’s losing candidate in Wedza South, echoed the sentiment, emphasizing the importance of honesty and inclusivity in creating a new political force. He stressed that Zimbabweans desire change and cannot afford to repeat past mistakes while expecting different outcomes.

Amidst the internal discord, Chibaya, the former CCC interim organizing secretary, defended his actions, stating that he was merely fulfilling his mandate as the organizer. He explained that the organizing committee, comprising various departments such as elections, communications, youth, and women, accompanied him during his engagements.

Chamisa declined to comment on the matter directly but assured his supporters that an announcement regarding the party’s future direction would be made soon. He hinted at a significant national answer that would encompass all Zimbabweans, including those within Zanu PF.

Political commentators, however, urge Chamisa to provide clarity and direction to his eager supporters. Fanuel Kaseke, a political analyst, believes Chamisa is employing Machiavellian tactics to assess his support base, aiming to distance himself from followers he wishes to leave behind.

Maxwell Saungweme, another political analyst, suggests that Chamisa is carefully considering his options before making a definitive announcement. He emphasizes the importance of establishing proper structures, ideology, and internal democracy within any future institution Chamisa may lead.

Kudakwashe Munemo, a political analyst, speculates that Chamisa might have already revealed his plans to a select few in his inner circle, observing their reactions and behaviour before addressing the wider public.

As Chamisa’s supporters anxiously await his next move, the delay in his announcement raises questions about the future trajectory of Zimbabwean politics and the potential impact of Chamisa’s forthcoming political endeavour.

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