Veteran politician and former Zanu PF Chivi district coordinating committee (DCC) chair Cde Sanders Nyika Magwizi has died.
He was 75.

The prominent Chivi-born businessman and a member of the ruling party National Constitutional Assembly (NCA) died in the early hours of today on arrival at Family 24 Medical Centre in Masvingo after he collapsed at his home in the mining town of Mashava.
Popularly known by his two monikers, ”Kabila” or ”Magadzanhaka”, Cde Magwizi was also a long-serving ruling party councillor in Chivi where he served for a record combined 43 years from independence in 1980 which was a sign of his popularity.
His young brother, Cde Nobioth Magwizi confirmed the veteran politician’s death saying the family had lost a father figure, a unifier and a super patriot who served his country with distinction, especially after the attainment of independence in 1980.
”It is a big loss to the family, he was not ill but he just collapsed at his Mashava home and was rushed to Family 24 where efforts to resuscitate him failed,” he said.
The late Cde Magwizi was also a well-known supporter of the liberation struggle in Chivi where he aided the armed struggle by assisting freedom fighters with food and clothing.
Funeral arrangements will be announced in due course.
Cde Magwizi is survived by a wife and 12 children. Herald.