Young genius makes history: 14-year-old girl shines in Cambridge O Level exams

Shalom Zingwe

Exceptional Achievements: Harare students shine in Cambridge O Level examinations

Shalom Zingwe, a Form One learner at Atlantic Academy in Harare, has made headlines by taking the Cambridge O Level exams at just 14 years old and achieving outstanding results. Shalom scored three A grades in Computer Science, Accounting, and Economics, along with Bs in Mathematics, Geography, and Business Studies. Recognizing her exceptional performance, the school has decided to promote Shalom to Lower Sixth Form.

Ms Patience Mufokozana, the school director, expressed admiration for Shalom’s remarkable success and highlighted that most learners typically take these exams at the age of 16 or 17. Shalom’s accomplishment at such a young age is truly commendable.

Another student from Atlantic Academy, Kudzaishe Mhaka, also attained remarkable results in the Cambridge O Level exams at the age of 15. Kudzaishe achieved seven A grades in Chemistry, Physics, Accounting, Computer Science, Mathematics, Biology, and Geography.

Overall, Atlantic Academy achieved an impressive 95 percent pass rate in the examinations.

In another notable achievement, Harare’s Champion College celebrated a 100 percent pass rate in the Cambridge O Level exams. The college awarded scholarships to the exceptional fraternal twins, Patience (female) and Prosper (male) Muza, who excelled in their science subjects. The twins scored distinctions in all their subjects.

Prosper achieved seven A grades in Mathematics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Physics, Biology, Accounting, and Geography, while Patience secured A grades in Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and Geography.

Expressing their joy, the twins attributed their success to discipline, dedication, and hard work. They conveyed their gratitude to the college administrators for the scholarship opportunity. The twins study together at home and aspire to pursue science subjects at the Advanced Level and beyond.

The college director, Dr Tendesai Mushamba, emphasized that the scholarships were part of the school’s corporate social responsibility program. The college aims to promote STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) subjects aligned with the government’s Education 5.0 initiative.

With the release of results revealing a high pass rate among Zimbabwean students in the Cambridge Advanced Level examinations, parents and educators are delighted by the wave of success. Private schools, including Atlantic Academy and Champion College, have demonstrated their academic prowess and are narrowing the gap with the traditional church-run mission schools.

Notably, girls have been consistently outperforming boys in both the number of students taking O Level and A Level exams and in pass rates in the state system.

The remarkable achievements of these students serve as an inspiration for their peers and underscore the importance of hard work and dedication in academic pursuits.

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