Musician Freeman and slain armed robber Godknows Machingura saga: H-Metro under fire

Freeman with late armed robber Godknows Machingura

A recent series of articles by H-Metro linking musician Freeman to slain armed robbers has sparked outrage among a significant number of readers. Many have voiced their support for the artist and accused the publication of having a personal vendetta against him. The controversy stems from claims that Freeman lied to detectives about the timing of his acquaintance with one of the robbers, Godknows Machingura.

While some readers have sided with H-Metro and called for further investigation, the majority have strongly criticized the publication for what they perceive as baseless claims and attempts to tarnish Freeman’s reputation. They argue that the presence of a picture from 2015 does not necessarily imply a close relationship or knowledge of someone at that time. Some readers even suggested that H-Metro prioritize other pressing issues, such as the cholera outbreak, instead of focusing on the musician.

Below, are some of the readers’ comments:


Someone at H-Metro has a personal vendetta against Freeman and trying very hard to destroy him. How sad. – tash_royaltie

So are you then trying to put him on spotlight? –


This is a baseless claim that you cannot prove besides posting a picture you have no tangible evidence but you are just trying to sell a paper, this is how I know that @realfreemanhkd is now a big artist, a superstar being without his name mungadai musina any paper to sell, I hope he sues you for slander and please note Zimpapers @hmetrozimpapers having a picture in 2015, does not equate to knowing someone you can start to know someone at a much later stage in life please hire an editor who is proficient and has an understanding of the English language pane paunoona kuti ichi chatoo chidofo. I have been a Freeman fan for over 20 years achiri kuimba “ayo sunshine varikuzvi wastera zvavo time” nana Joina City. Stop tarnishing the artist’s name and reputation he has built over so many years nekuda kutengesa ka bepa kemusi we Friday! – sheukevinh


H-Metro investigation kudiiko, so you think you’re better than homicide manje? You’re really trying to make sure that this artist is nailed down. – primrose_moyo_official


Mashaya Basa here kuH-Metro? Mati mumusungirire henyu. – guy_from_gokwe


Haaa siyanai nenyaya idzi. Mukuda kuti asungwe here @hmetrozimpapers? Zvaakataura @realfreemanhkd ndizvo izvozvo. – biiigbhambi


H-Metro mukutadza kutsvaga zveCholera busy nevanhu vane mari dzavo kudarika imi. – taku_soundguy


Haaaa can’t you see the guy was a fan, the guy ndiye aitoziva Freeman not the other way. – zimgrounds


Ana H-Metro garai pasi imi, kumwe kumirizika mirizika pfurwai nako. Kutorwa picture nemunhu anokufarira doesn’t mean kuti vanoita ma deals vese. Zvimwe zvacho itai muchiisa handbrake pakufamba. – dziva_tafadzwa_sambiri


Muchiri kuita zvemapaper or mava ku CID department….daka renyu nderei hamusi maakunyanya here. – djspiethegreat


What if back then he was just a fan Siyai mwana imi. – Alfie Moreblessing


Akakutadzireiko Freeman uyu H-Metro? Mukada kuita take take nemunhu hamumusiyi sure musadaro. – Rumbidzai Nyazungu


Kutorwa mapics nekumuziwa zvakasiyana, maartist akaramba kutorwa mapics zvnonzi anovhaira atove selfish and munhu wese anotorwa pic necelebrity ane achitoda kuri poster unogona kutorwa pic nemunhu usingamuziwe but uchiti ifan then ozototanga kutaura newe kuti ndakambosangana newe ndokunonzi kuziwana. – Donnel Makazah

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