Tragedy Strikes: 2 gold miners buried alive as mine shaft collapses

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A devastating incident unfolded in Kwekwe, as a mineshaft collapsed, leaving at least two individuals trapped underground and feared dead. Despite ongoing rescue efforts, there has been no success in reaching the miners.

Mr Reason Machina, Acting Chairperson of the Kwekwe District Civil Protection Unit, confirmed the incident. He stated that the mine collapse occurred on Sunday and that Kuvimba Mining House, one of the leading mining companies, has provided an excavator to aid in the rescue operation. However, the chances of finding the trapped individuals alive are exceedingly slim.

“We received a report that at least two people were trapped underground after the mine collapsed on Sunday. Rescue efforts have been futile ever since and I am told that one of the mining giants Kuvimba Mining House has provided an excavator to help in the rescue operations.

“Since Sunday to date, chances are very slim but you never know. Our aim also is to ascertain the number of people who were underground when the disaster struck,” Mr Machina said.

Efforts are also underway to determine the exact number of people who were underground at the time of the disaster.

This unfortunate event follows closely on the heels of another mining incident in Penhalonga near Mutare, where 15 miners were successfully rescued after being trapped for four days in Redwing Mine, miraculously escaping unharmed.

In response to the situation, Soda Zhemu, the Minister of Mines and Mineral Development, has ordered the suspension of all artisanal mining activities due to the heavy rainfall being experienced in the region.

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