3 gun-toting robbers strike Global Brothers shop, escape with cash


Gun-toting and machete-wielding robbers recently targeted Global Brothers Shop, storming the premises while wearing balaclavas. They overpowered the security personnel, including Mr Clever Nechikuri, a 49-year-old security guard employed by Peace Security, who had his hands tied with shoelaces. The robbers made off with an undisclosed sum of cash before disappearing into the night.

In response to an alarm raised, a Safeguard Rescue team consisting of Mr Nomore Makora and Mr Collins Elliot Timburwa rushed to the scene. Unfortunately, Mr Timburwa was struck on the back of his head with the flat side of a machete by one of the suspects. Fearing for their safety, the security personnel abandoned their Nissan NP200 vehicle, allowing the three perpetrators to escape.

Assistant Inspector Wiseman Chinyoka, acting Manicaland provincial police spokesperson, confirmed the robbery, which occurred two weeks ago. The exact amount stolen is still unknown.

Assistant Inspector Chinyoka provided details of the incident: “Mr Nechikuri is employed by Peace Security as a security guard and was seconded to guard Global Brothers Shop along Glasgow Road, Mutare.

“On January 2, around 6pm, Mr Nechikuri commenced duty at Global Brothers Shop. He was in the company of Mr Justin Kwembeya, who is employed by Coppercult Refrigerators and was repairing the cold room from outside.

“On January 3, three male unknown accused persons entered Global Brothers Shop premises. One was armed with a pistol and an iron rod, while the others were armed with a machete and hammer. The three were putting on balaclavas.

“They approached Mr Nechikuri and Mr Kwembeya and manhandled them. They tied their hands using shoelaces,” explained Assistant Inspector Chinyoka.

The suspects forcibly broke into the office by using the hammer and iron rod. They proceeded to break into the safe room and used dynamite to blast open the safe. The stolen cash amount has yet to be determined. Safeguard Security’s team responded to the alarm triggered by the commotion inside the offices.

“They broke the safe room and blasted the safe using dynamites. They then stole some cash. The amount stolen is yet to be ascertained. Safeguard Security’s team reacted to the alarm which was triggered by the movements inside the offices.

“Mr Makora and Mr Timburwa hurried to the scene and upon arrival, the latter (Mr Timburwa) was hit on the left hand and on the back of the head by one of the suspects. Mr Makora and Mr Timburwa ran away, leaving behind their reaction vehicle, a Nissan NP200 at the scene.

“The three suspects escaped from the scene and ran towards the National Railway of Zimbabwe line. Mr Timburwa sustained a small cut on the upper left arm. He was referred to Victoria Chitepo Provincial Hospital for treatment. He was treated and discharged. His condition is stable,” Assistant Inspector Chinyoka added.

Assistant Inspector Chinyoka appealed to the public, urging anyone with information that could lead to the arrest of the three suspects to report to the nearest police station.

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