Mthwakazi leader Mqondisi Moyo who wants Zimbabwe to be divided into 2 states strikes again


MRP threatens intensified campaign against non-local teachers in Matabeleland Schools

In a move that could further escalate tensions in the region, the secessionist political party Mthwakazi Republic Party (MRP) has issued a strong warning, vowing to step up its efforts against the deployment of non-local teachers in Matabeleland schools. MRP President Mqondisi Moyo, as the organization celebrates its 10th anniversary, emphasized that one of their core mandates was to combat what they perceived as the intrusion of Shona-speaking educators in schools within Matabeleland.

Reflecting on their origins, Moyo explained, “In early 2013, a dynamic youth organisation focused on Mthwakazi’s (Matabeleland) welfare embarked on a mission to address pressing issues like Shona educators’ intrusion in Mthwakazi (Matabeleland) schools and the escalating unemployment crisis,” Moyo said.

“We advocate schools in Binga to teach languages such as Tonga, in Beitbridge they should learn Venda. MRP has a mandate to fight against imbalances in the education system because we feel that we cannot be taught by non-local language teachers in our schools. This is not right.”

MRP alleges that the deployment of non-local teachers in Matabeleland is a deliberate attempt to deprive the Ndebele people of their rightful education.

However, the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education’s spokesperson, Taungana Ndoro, stated that they had not received any formal complaints regarding the deployment of non-local teachers to Matabeleland schools. Ndoro clarified, “It’s not the government’s requirement to deploy local teachers to their local places, Ndebele-speaking people have been deployed to teach in different schools in Harare,” Ndoro said.

“Local teachers are only deployed for pupils in ECD up to Grade 2 only, that’s where there is deployment of local teachers. We have received complaints about some Ndebele teachers who are not able to speak Tshangani but they are still deployed there.”

The MRP participated in the 2018 and 2023 elections, focusing on local authorities and parliamentary seats in Matabeleland and Midlands provinces but it did not secure any seats. Moyo acknowledged the electoral challenges but highlighted the party’s resolute dedication to pursuing self-determination. He also condemned the Zimbabwean government for what he described as the unjust arrests and intimidation of MRP members, with nine individuals currently serving prison terms ranging from 33 to 36 months on what the party deems as baseless charges.

In Setember 2023, top MPR officials handed a petition for self-determination to the Southern African Development Community (Sadc).

Party leaders said the petition was hand delivered to the bloc’s headquarters in Botswana by local MRP officials led by its chairperson Tobias Fuyane and spokesperson Leonard Dube.

In the petition dated 12 September 2023, stamped at the Sadc offices, and addressed to Sadc chairperson, Moyo said there was a need for the bloc to intervene in Mthwakazi’s bid to be a separate State.

“Our call for self-determination is justified by a number of factors. First, we were a separate nation before 1923. We lostour independent existence through forced amalgamation with Mashonaland in 1923. Knowledge of our borders is as clear today as it was before 1923. Beitbridge border was signed for by King Lobengula in 1887. Ramoqoabane and Livingstone borders were drawn in 1888. These borders are recognised by the International community to this day.”

Moyo noted that in 1891, three years before invasion by imperialist forces, the Jameson Line was drawn and signed for. He said this was the border which separated Mthwakazi/Matabeleland from Mashonaland.

“This is the very border we want restored. Second, in Zimbabwe we are treated as second-class citizens. We nearly got exterminated between 1982 and 1987, in a government-led genocide against Mthwakazi (amaNdebele). About 40 000 of our unarmed people were killed on the pretext that they were either dissidents, or they harboured dissidents,” the petition read.

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