Terror in Masvingo: 4 armed men rob police officers at roadblock, shoot and kill Fun Cargo driver


A brazen group of four armed men carried out a series of crimes in Masvingo, including robbing police officers at a roadblock and later shooting and killing a man who had unwittingly offered them transport. The audacious incidents have sent shockwaves through the community, prompting a swift response from the authorities as they work to apprehend the perpetrators.

The first attack occurred on Thursday at a police roadblock along the Nemamwa-Muchakata Road. The suspects, travelling in a Honda Fit vehicle with registration number AEW 1786, targeted the police officers manning the roadblock. They robbed the officers of two cellphones, a pair of riot trousers, a grey shirt, an STU cap, and a pair of brown shoes. The criminals, posing as members of the uniformed service, carried out the robbery before making their escape.

In a separate incident, the suspects boarded a Toyota Fun Cargo that was en route to Chiredzi. Unbeknown to the driver, he had unwittingly picked up the armed criminals. Realizing the danger he was in, the driver attempted to flee, but one of the suspects shot him in the chest. The driver was rushed to Masvingo General Hospital, where he tragically succumbed to his injuries.

National police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi confirmed the two incidents and assured the public that investigations are underway. The stolen Honda Fit vehicle used by the suspects had been taken in another robbery earlier in the day near Chikato Primary School. The suspects had hired a taxi driver, claiming they wanted to consult a prophet. However, along the way, they attacked the driver and stole the car.

“Zimbabwe Republic Police is investigating a series of armed robbery cases which occurred on 11 January 2024 in Masvingo from the central business district to Renco and at a police roadblock site along Nemamwa-Muchakata Road in Masvingo in which police officers were attacked by four unknown suspects who were travelling in a Honda Fit vehicle, registration number AEW 1786,” he said.

“The suspects stole two cellphones, one riot trousers, a grey shirt, an STU cap and a pair of brown shoes.”

“The Honda Fit vehicle in which the suspects were travelling in was stolen in another robbery case which occurred on 11 January 2024 at around 10am near Chikato Primary School. The suspects had hired a taxi driver from Pick and Pay, Masvingo to Nemamwa purporting that they wanted to consult a prophet. Along the way, the suspects attacked the driver before stealing the car,” said Asst Comm Nyathi.

After the robbery at the police roadblock, the suspects abandoned the stolen vehicle and boarded the Toyota Fun Cargo at Gurutsime Business Centre near Renco Mine, pretending to be heading to Chiredzi. However, their suspicious behaviour raised the driver’s concerns, leading him to disembark from the vehicle in an attempt to escape. One of the armed robbers shot him in the chest. The suspects then fled towards Chiredzi along Ngundu-Tanganda Road.

“Upon reaching Renco turn off, the complainant disembarked from the vehicle and tried to run away after suspecting that he was carrying armed robbery suspects. Subsequently, one of the suspects shot the complainant in the chest with a pistol and drove away towards Chiredzi along Ngundu -Tanganda Road.

“The complainant later died at Masvingo General Hospital. As police, we are all out to ensure that the suspects are arrested,” said Asst Comm Nyathi

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