High-level Drama: Police report filed against top CCC official


Opposition legislator under investigation for alleged vandalism of children’s playground fence

In a surprising turn of events, Bridget Nyandoro, the opposition CCC legislator for the Southerton constituency, is currently under investigation for her alleged involvement in vandalizing a protective fence at Bexley Circle, a recreational area designed to ensure the safety of children.

The fence, which was put in place to shield youngsters from traffic and other potential hazards, became the subject of criminal damage.

The complaint was lodged by Mr Obvious Mutizwa, who promptly reported the incident to the Southerton police. The case, registered under number RRB 774527, is now under investigation. The police have identified Nyandoro’s actions as potentially violating Section 113 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act Chapter 9:23, which pertains to criminal acts, as well as Section 140 of the same Act, which addresses malicious damage to property.

According to the police docket, it is alleged that Nyandoro collaborated with Mrs Betty Suka, the councillor for Ward 13 in the area, and other unidentified members of CCC to carry out the act. The purported plan was devised and executed through a WhatsApp group primarily consisting of CCC members. The fence was subsequently destroyed as part of their scheme.

In his sworn affidavit, Mutizwa expressed his concern for the children’s security while playing in the park. The community had raised funds to acquire the fence, aimed at protecting the children from potential hazards posed by passing vehicles. The discovery of the vandalized fence shocked the residents, prompting their investigation into the incident, which ultimately revealed the involvement of the suspects through the incriminating WhatsApp group chat.

The CCC WhatsApp group, created to coordinate party activities in the constituency under the leadership of an individual named Zakariya, played a crucial role in exposing the alleged wrongdoing. Zakariya himself is now under investigation due to his implication in the offence.

The matter gained public attention when Nyandoro engaged in a heated online dispute with the party’s organizing secretary, Mr Amos Chibaya. The disagreement escalated, with Nyandoro making threats to expose Chibaya as a hypocrite undermining the party leader, Mr Nelson Chamisa.

Insiders suggest that the CCC WhatsApp group became a battleground for Nyandoro and Chibaya, with Nyandoro threatening to expose Chibaya as a hypocrite who was undermining party leader, Mr Nelson Chamisa.

“Yesterday you wrote hogwash about me and I kept quiet. Today you did that again. It’s fine write that for a third time and see what happens.

“I am in possession of your videos and audios badmouthing our party leader during meetings you convened with Tshabangu.”

As the investigation unfolds, Southerton residents eagerly await further developments surrounding the allegations against Bridget Nyandoro and her alleged co-conspirators. The case not only highlights the potential clash of interests within the opposition party but also raises concerns about the safety and security of children at the Bexley Circle playground.

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