7 masked armed men raid elderly couple’s home, get away with property worth US$20 000


An elderly couple from Chinhoyi has recounted their horror experience when they were robbed by seven masked armed men who broke into their home on December 2 and stole property worth over US$20 000.

The gang raided Harmony Farm Number 2 at around 9pm and broke into the Mashanda family house where they tied the 90-year-old father and another family member.

The 80-year-old mother was ordered to provide details of where money and valuables were kept in the house.

“From what my parents told me, the thugs broke down the door at around 9pm and tied my father’s hands and legs.

“They went to another room where they tied another family member, but they didn’t tie my mother whom they ordered to surrender all the money in the house.

“She told them that she had no money, vakatovaudza kuti ndimi vana vangu munoshanda, ndimi mungatotipe mari yacho.

“They immediately started ransacking the house searching for money until my father told mum to surrender US$400 they had,” said a daughter of the elderly couple.

She said the masked men also took gas cylinders filled with gas, gas fridge, a 12V solar battery, four cellphones, blankets, clothes, pots, dishes, plates and cups, groceries, 40 litres cooking oil, 35 bags of compound D fertilizer, 40 bags mealie-meal and a fence, among other things.

“They brought a truck to carry their loot, but yakabva yanyura and zvikutaridza kuti vakasunga mombe kuti vadhonze truck yacho.”

She said her parents suspect a man who once worked at their farm.

“When I asked my father who he suspects, he said a man who once worked at the house.

“It’s unfortunate that they were wearing masks and could not be easily identified. They were at the farm until around 1am.

“We are appealing to anyone who might have information that could help in apprehending the suspects,” she said.

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