2 CID officers arrested after receiving US$730 bribe from businessman

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In a major development, the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) has apprehended two detectives on charges of criminal abuse of duty.

Nelson Chinembiri (36) and Maxwell Mukono (34), both detective constables based at Marondera Criminal Investigation Department, stand accused of demanding and receiving a substantial sum of money to tamper with evidence related to the theft of fertilizers from the Presidential Inputs Scheme.

The allegations against the detectives surfaced on October 24 when Diana Dune, an Agritex officer in Macheke, was entrusted with 75 bags of compound D fertilizer and 75 bags of maize seed issued at Timbermills Grain Marketing Board (GMB) in Macheke. These inputs, intended for distribution to farmers in Ward 34 Macheke, were diverted from their intended recipients.

Investigations revealed that instead of delivering the inputs to Ward 34, Diana Dune colluded with Solomon Makaka to sell the stolen fertilizers to Maxwell Takawira, a local businessman. The illicit transaction came to light on November 3, when the accused detectives received information regarding the theft and subsequently managed to recover only 20 bags of the stolen fertilizer from Takawira’s shop at Munamba Business Centre.

However, rather than ensuring the confiscation of all the recovered fertilizer, Chinembiri and Mukono allegedly demanded a bribe from Takawira to turn a blind eye to the remaining 55 bags. Succumbing to the pressure, Takawira agreed to the arrangement and paid the detectives USD500 to safeguard his interests.

Shockingly, the detectives not only accepted the bribe but also instructed Takawira to relocate the remaining 55 bags of fertilizer to a secure location, effectively concealing evidence of their existence. To compound matters further, the duo proceeded to arrest Solomon Makaka and Diana Dune on November 4 and 5, respectively, misrepresenting on the request for remand form that they had recovered all 20 bags of the stolen fertilizer, knowingly omitting the fact that 55 bags were left untouched.

The web of corruption continued to unravel as the detectives demanded additional bribes from Takawira. In subsequent encounters, they received USD100 at N Richards Shops in Marondera and USD130 at the Marondera Post Office. In total, the detectives allegedly extorted USD730 from the businessman.

However, their illicit activities were destined to come to an end when ZACC detectives received a tip-off on November 14. Acting swiftly, they apprehended the remaining 55 bags of fertilizer from Takawira’s possession at Munamba Business Centre, exposing the full extent of the detectives’ misconduct.

Nelson Chinembiri and Maxwell Mukono now face charges of criminal abuse of duty, accused of knowingly neglecting their responsibilities as public officers by deliberately failing to seize the 55 bags of fertilizer after accepting an illicit payment from Takawira.

This arrest serves as a stern reminder of the ongoing battle against corruption and the unwavering commitment of the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission to uphold justice and integrity within the nation.

The incident sheds light on the pressing need for concerted efforts to root out corruption at all levels of society, safeguarding the welfare of the Presidential Inputs Scheme and ensuring the fair distribution of resources to support Zimbabwean farmers in their crucial agricultural endeavours.

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