Behind closed doors: Inside CCC’s strategy to resolve Zimbabwe’s political deadlock


CCC Urges Nelson Chamisa to Engage in Dialogue with President Mnangagwa

In a bid to find a resolution to Zimbabwe’s political stalemate, the highest decision-making body of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) has called on its leader, Nelson Chamisa, to engage in negotiations with President Emmerson Mnangagwa. The call for dialogue was made during the recent Citizens National Assembly (CNA) session, where members came together to discuss the way forward for the opposition party.

Since the controversial election that was criticized by observers, Zimbabwe has been trapped in a state of political deadlock, with the main opposition disputing the legitimacy of President Mnangagwa’s narrow victory over Chamisa in the August plebiscite.

The CNA, in its resolutions, emphasized that a dialogue addressing electoral concerns, political reforms, and the establishment of a transitional framework is the key to resolving the ongoing political crisis in the country. It stressed that the dialogue should be driven by principles and values.

Amid escalating political tensions, instances of alleged abductions targeting opposition members have been on the rise. The CCC has accused the ZANU PF-led government of silencing dissenting voices.

Tragically, last week, a CCC supporter named Tapfumaneyi Masaya was found dead just two days after being abducted while conducting door-to-door campaigns in Mabvuku. The CCC condemned this act and expressed dissatisfaction with the lack of progress in bringing the perpetrators to justice.

The Citizens National Assembly also condemned the abduction and torture of Member of Parliament Hon Takudzwa Ngadziore and Hon James Chidakwa, both of whom are advocates for change.

The deteriorating human rights situation in Zimbabwe was directly linked to the disputed August 2023 harmonized elections, according to the CNA. The assembly expressed deep concern over the escalating cases of abductions, murders, arbitrary arrests, unlawful recalls, and the continued unlawful detention of political prisoners, including Job Sikhala, Jacob Ngarivhume, and members of the MRP.

The CCC urged the relevant state authorities and institutions to restore the rule of law and constitutionalism in Zimbabwe. It also called on local and international human rights organizations and defenders to continue holding the government accountable for its impunity and arbitrary application of the law.

As the political crisis in Zimbabwe persists, the CCC’s call for dialogue between Nelson Chamisa and President Mnangagwa reflects the growing urgency to find a peaceful resolution and restore stability to the nation.

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