Fierce factional fights erupt in Zanu PF ahead of crucial by-elections


Zanu PF Harare rocked by factional fights ahead of by-elections

In a tumultuous turn of events, Zanu PF Harare provincial structures are experiencing fierce factional clashes, with allegations surfacing against provincial chairperson Goodwills Masimirembwa.

According to disgruntled supporters, Masimirembwa has been accused of obstructing their campaign efforts for Pedzisai Scott Sakupwanya, who is vying for the upcoming by-elections on December 9.

Sakupwanya, a close associate of President Emmerson Mnangagwa, seeks a second chance after losing the Mabvuku-Tafara constituency race to opposition candidate Febion Kufahakutizwi from the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) in the previous harmonized elections held on August 23 and 24.

The by-election was triggered by Kufahakutizwi’s recall by the opposition party’s self-proclaimed interim secretary-general Sengezo Tshabangu last month.

Unfortunately, Sakupwanya’s campaign has created divisions within the Zanu PF Harare structures. Allegations have emerged that the Masimirembwa-led executive is preventing influential party members from the province from actively supporting Sakupwanya’s bid for the seat.

An audio clip leaked to NewsDay has laid bare the internal divisions within the ruling party, with certain party heavyweights being accused of undermining Sakupwanya’s candidacy. In the audio, a party member identified as comrade Nyokai Mabhunu accuses Masimirembwa of sowing division and pursuing personal interests.

Mabhunu expresses his discontent, stating, “What you are doing chairman Godwills Masimirembwa is not good. You are selecting who should go and not to campaign for our Mabvuku-Tafara candidate Pedzisai Scott Sakupwanya.

“Those people who are powerful in mobilising are not allowed to go and campaign while CCC was on the ground. To the intelligence people, I want this video to go before the President. Scott cannot continue to lose. What wrong has he done for you to block him?

Mabhunu also highlights Sakupwanya’s previous admission that he lost the previous election due to sabotage by Harare province. He emphasizes the need for reforms within the Harare province.

During the previous election, Sakupwanya faced a resounding defeat, with Kufahakutizwi securing 15,934 votes compared to Sakupwanya’s 12,038, despite Sakupwanya’s substantial financial investments in various projects within the constituency.

Mabhunu directs his frustration at Masimirembwa, urging him to prioritize the party’s interests over personal gain. He questions Masimirembwa’s long-standing position as chairman and suggests that he step aside to allow Harare’s progress within the party.

This is not the first time Masimirembwa has faced criticism from within Zanu PF. In September of this year, party members across various WhatsApp groups demanded Masimirembwa’s expulsion due to the party’s lackluster performance in the previous August elections.

As the by-elections draw closer, the factional fights within Zanu PF Harare continue to intensify, raising concerns about the party’s unity and ability to secure a victory in the upcoming polls.

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