ZNA soldier and policeman in hot soup after torturing a suspected thief to death


A soldier and a policeman have appeared at the Harare Magistrates Court, facing charges of murder after allegedly killing a man they suspected of stealing scaffolding poles from a neighbouring house while on guard duty.

The accused individuals, Private Dennis Tafirei Nyati (32) from the army and Sergeant Stanley Muchimba (32) from the police force, appeared before Magistrate Dennis Mangosi. They were remanded in custody until November 15 and were advised to seek bail from the High Court.

According to the allegations, on October 28 of this year, the accused received information implicating Emilington Machinga and the now deceased, Blessing Zadzi, in the theft of six scaffolding poles from a residence located at 2823 ED Mnangagwa Road in Glen Lorne, Harare.

Reportedly, on October 29, the accused individuals apprehended Machinga on the premises and proceeded to interview him. During the interrogation, Machinga implicated Zadzi as his accomplice.

It is further alleged that, on the same day, around 10:00 PM, the accused pursued and caught the now deceased at Chigayo Inn (Takura Shops). They purportedly assaulted Zadzi using an iron bar while restraining his legs with concrete weights.

Continuing their assault, the accused individuals allegedly subjected Zadzi to further abuse with a hose pipe, inflicting injuries all over his body. They then compelled him to roll down a steep slope.

Upon reaching the foot of the slope, the accused individuals allegedly persisted in their assault, torturing Zadzi with hot plastic papers under his feet. Subsequently, they took the unconscious victim to his father, who resided in the same vicinity. However, upon witnessing the condition of his son, the father refused to take him in.

Realizing that Zadzi had lost consciousness, the accused individuals carried him and abandoned him in a bushy area. Tragically, Zadzi was later discovered dead.

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