Respect those you’re supposed to defend, don’t kill them as if they’re our enemies: Army boss


Soldiers have been called to remain resolute and loyal in the performance of their constitutional mandate of defending the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Addressing troops during the closing ceremony of a week-long sports gala at Alphida Barracks in Domboshava yesterday, Commander Artillery Brigade Brigadier General Benedict Runodada said adversaries and trends prevailing in the region and the world at large required uniformed forces to be alert.

“As members of the uniformed forces, you must remember that you are in charge of the lifeline of the entire nation and its resources,” he said.

“Therefore you must protect and keep the nation safe. As you are aware the region and globe are being grappled with challenges.”

He said the Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) would do everything within its confines to have a well-trained force capable of dealing with contemporary threats bedevilling the region and world at large.

Turning to sports, Brig-Gen Runodada said the ZNA would continue to have sports events on its calendar.

“Sporting activities are meant to refresh you, promote interaction and team work among members of the force and of course to prepare you for the future,” he said.

“Let me remind you that sport is a recreational activity which is also meant to enhance team spirit, unanimity, esprit-de-corps and above all physical and mental robustness.

“Sport is regarded highly because of its contribution towards the creation of a healthy mind and body, characteristic of a 21st century soldier.”

Brig-Gen Runodada urged soldiers to remain in disciplined throughout their career in the Zimbabwe National Army, and outside the work environment.

“Of late in the armed forces there were numerous cases of suicide and murder, which is really disturbing,” he said.

“Please respect those you are supposed to defend. Don’t kill them as if they are our enemies.

“Furthermore, if you kill yourself do you ever imagine the pain that you will cause on those left behind, in some cases you leave behind young children who dearly need your support.”

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