December 9 by-elections: Intelligent CCC leader Nelson Chamisa drops bombshell


CCC Boycotts “Muppet Show” By-Elections

CCC leader Nelson Chamisa has declared that his party will boycott upcoming by-elections, dismissing them as little more than a “Muppet Show.”

In an interview this week, Chamisa said the CCC sees the December 9th votes as irrelevant sideshows rather than meaningful political processes.

This comes amid an ongoing leadership clash stemming from disputed recalls of CCC MPs and local councillors. Sengezo Tshabangu controversially declared himself interim secretary-general and wrote to electoral authorities stating only he could approve candidates. However, Chamisa says Tshabangu is an “imposter” and “fraudster” with no real CCC affiliation.

When asked if recalled representatives would participate, Chamisa indicated the CCC would not legitimize the “criminal” and “unconstitutional” recalls by taking part. He questioned whether their party looks like characters who would join a “Muppet Show.” Chamisa accused Zanu-PF of deliberately recognizing Tshabangu’s bogus actions despite knowing he’s not a real CCC member.

The disputed recalls will undergo court review in early November. For now, Chamisa’s strong rhetoric suggests the CCC sees little value in engaging with electoral procedures they view as flawed and illegitimate. Their boycott underscores the ongoing political tensions in Zimbabwe as the battle for control and credibility continues.

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