Unfortunate Coincidence: 2 road accidents occur at same place, same day


Two road traffic accidents have been confirmed by the police, both of which took place on the same day and at the same location. The incidents occurred on Tuesday at Hunyani Bridge near Chinhoyi along the Harare-Chinhoyi Road.

Limited information is currently available regarding the number of injured individuals involved in these accidents. According to a statement released on Twitter by the police, the first accident involved a head-on collision between two haulage trucks. In the second accident, a haulage truck and a bus were involved.

“The ZRP confirms two road traffic accidents which occurred this afternoon at Hunyani Bridge near Chinhoyi along Harare-Chinhoyi Road. In the first accident, two haulage trucks were involved in a head-on- collision.”

“Meanwhile, the second accident involved a haulage truck and bus. The number of injured victims has not yet been ascertained. More details will be availed in due course,” reads the statement.

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