Zimbabwe’s ruling party Zanu PF stands firmly with Palestine against Israeli apartheid


ZANU PF has pledged their endless support to the State of Palestine on their struggle of freedom against the Israeli apartheid occupation.

In a statement, Zanu PF secretary-general Cde Obert Mpofu said they condemn any act of aggression by Israel and reiterated their commitment to the principles of peace, justice and human rights for all.

“As Zanu PF, we stand with the people of the State of Palestine during this difficult time, offering our heartfelt condolences and utmost solidarity in the face of the recent catastrophic attacks that claimed the lives of many innocent individuals.”

“The loss of over 400 lives is a grievous and distressing event, and our thoughts are with the families and communities affected by this wanton violence at the hands of the occupying power. Zanu PF firmly condemns any act of aggression by the occupying power and reiterate our commitment to the principles of peace, justice and human rights for all.

“It is crucial that the international community comes together to address the root causes of this conflict, promoting dialogue, and working towards a peaceful and lasting resolution. Zanu PF affirms the right to self-determination, security and independence of the people of Palestine,” said Cde Mpofu.

He said the ruling party calls upon the parties involved to prioritise diplomacy and engage in peaceful negotiations to de-escalate tensions in the region.

He said it was imperative that every effort was made to protect civilian lives and ensure the well-being of ordinary people caught in the conflict.

“Zanu PF calls upon the international community, governments, organisations and individuals alike, to come together and work diligently towards a peaceful resolution and a brighter future for the people of Palestine who continue to suffer under the york of occupation and brutal suppression as is currently being witnessed in Gaza.”

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