Late mbinga Genius Ginimbi Kadungure’s sister Juliet dies in horrific road accident


FIRST it was Ginimbi — a car accident which took his life in November three years ago.

Now, it’s his sister Julie — a bus accident took her life on Tuesday.

She was one of the passengers killed when a Trip Trans bus, travelling from Malawi to Zimbabwe, was involved in an accident.

Now, those close to their father, Anderson Kadungure, are now asking — WHY ALWAYS US?

Kadungure said he received the news of his daughter, Julie, while he was attending a funeral of a relative on Tuesday.

Julie died with more than 10 other passengers in the Trip Trans bus accident.

Kadungure said the first reports he received indicated that his daughter had survived the accident.

However, later reports advised him that she had died in the crash.

“I was attending a funeral at my mother’s village when I received a call at around 8pm.

“Neria then called me at around 11pm saying Julie had lost her hand in the accident.

“I could not sleep and just wept.

At around 3am, I heard a knock on the door and some women informed me that my daughter had passed away.

“Her husband came here at around 4am and we had a meeting,” said Kadungure.

Villagers thronged the Kadungure homestead in Domboshava yesterday, and virtually all of them were talking about the accident.

“Ko vana zvovongoperera kufira mutsaona dzemumugwagwa kunge ngozi? Zvaita seiko nhai veduwee?” a mourner said while paying condolences to Kadungure.

Family spokesperson, Noddy Kadungure, said burial arrangements will be announced in due course.

“We have lost a hard-working and loving sister,” said Noddy.

“We have a team which went to Mozambique to process the documents and collect the body.

“Burial arrangements will be announced in due course,” he said.

A source close to the family told H-Metro that Julie’s husband pleaded with the Kadungure family to hold the funeral wake in Domboshava.

Julie’s husband is from Shurugwi.

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