Bombshell Warning: Ex-Minister reveals Zanu PF’s secret plot, Nelson Chamisa’s CCC in big trouble!

Speaker of Parliament Jacob Cde Jacob Mudenda

Exiled Politician Warns of Further Opposition Recall Efforts

Former Zimbabwe Cabinet Minister Walter Mzembi, now living in exile in South Africa, has issued a strong warning about the situation unfolding in parliament. He believes Speaker of the House Jacob Mudenda will help President Emmerson Mnangagwa gain a two-thirds majority through aggressive recalls of opposition MPs.

Mzembi’s comment comes after Sengezo Tshabangu, who claims to be the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) interim Secretary-General, wrote to Mudenda withdrawing 15 CCC legislators. This has caused chaos within the opposition, as Mudenda has informed vacancies must be filled.

Ex Minister Walter Mzembi

In a social media post, Mzembi argued Mudenda remains loyal to ZANU-PF as a politburo member. He will thus facilitate the ruling party’s agenda, including achieving the supermajority needed to amend the constitution. Mzembi also contended Mudenda will utilize Tshabangu to systematically recall more CCC MPs in batches.

The end goal, Mzembi asserted, is to split the CCC by pressuring remaining MPs to recognize Tshabangu’s leadership. He advised Zimbabweans and the CCC to brace for further recalls, and questioned what voters themselves will do in response.

Mzembi felt the CCC decision to challenge the recalls in court gave legitimacy to a system that previously invalidated opposition challenges. He warned of more “painful decisions” that may be needed from the CCC regarding their parliamentary and local representatives.

Mzembi wrote on his X handle:

As long as this man Jacob Mudenda is a Zanu PF Politburo Member reporting to President Mnangagwa and is whipped by his Chief Whip during Zanu PF Caucuses there will be no separation of powers between the Executive and Parliament.

He will facilitate anything Zanu PF wants including a 2/3 Majority for its Third Term Project.

He will also through the tortoise on the fence post Tshabangu recall @CCCZimbabwe MPs at will in batches until the few remaining in Parly recognise Tshabangu as SG, agenda being splitting of this Party.

Already “the please don’t recall me SG ” pleas seem to be in motion from the intelligence at hand. So the first wave has hit , there will be a second one and so forth…

CCC has decided to go to Court, Zanu PF is happy with this response which recognises the Courts after their invalidation when this Party did not contest its dispute of the Presidential Ballot result. The legitimacy question is being settled . Byo had a fair chance at the Courts during the Caretaker phase of this administration now they have fully assumed power.

Beware the ides of Baghdad! A Political or Legal response or both is the Big Q?

Can CCC move its Parliamentary and Council Reps out of their new comfort zones without consequence is the next Big Q?

What will be the arguments for and against some painful decisions which clearly need to be considered .

Is this about CCC only or about the Voter , and What is the Voter saying?

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