From car dealer to fugitive: Game over for killer Gweru businessman Peter Dube

Peter Dube

Fugitive suspected killer Peter Dube, who had been on the run for two years, has been apprehended in Mozambique and will soon be extradited to Zimbabwe.

Dube, also known by the alias Armando Quenete Muchanga, was recently convicted in Ireland for immigration law violations and subsequently deported to Mozambique. It has come to light that he had obtained a fraudulent passport under his new alias, claiming a birthdate of June 21, 1985.

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has been pursuing Dube in connection with two fatal shootings and an attempted murder case that occurred in Gweru on April 23, 2021. Currently, he remains in the custody of Mozambican authorities while they investigate how he obtained the passport that allowed him to assume a new identity.

Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi, the police spokesperson, confirmed the recent developments and stated that Dube would undergo further investigations and legal processes before being extradited back to Zimbabwe. The Southern African Development Community has a protocol on extradition among member states, which governs the transfer of suspects for prosecution or enforcement of sentences related to extraditable offences.

Efforts by the Zimbabwe Republic Police, with the assistance of Interpol, have been underway to secure Dube’s extradition from Mozambique. Last week, Assistant Commissioner Nyathi confirmed these efforts.

The incident in question occurred on April 23, 2021, when Dube, a car dealer, encountered his second wife, Nyasha Nharingo, and her suspected lover, Shelton Chinhango, who was seated in a minibus parked outside Nharingo’s residence in Gweru’s central business district. Allegedly, Dube shot Chinhango at close range, resulting in his death, before turning the gun on Nyasha’s best friend, Gamuchirai Mudungwe, whom he also shot in the chest, causing immediate fatality. Dube then allegedly proceeded to shoot Nyasha and her sister Nyaradzo, who were later hospitalized.

Following the shootings, Dube reportedly fled to South Africa before eventually relocating to Eswatini, where he assumed the identity of Xolile Mtsali. From Eswatini, he travelled to Ireland and sought asylum. However, he was arrested on June 14, 2023, after an exposé by The Sunday Mail highlighted his identity changes and asylum-seeking activities. Dube was convicted by the Dublin District Court for violating Ireland’s immigration laws. During his court appearance, he claimed to be Mozambican, presenting his passport bearing the name Armando Quenete Muchanga as evidence of his nationality.

Sources reveal that Dube took advantage of delays in proving his Zimbabwean citizenship, as the necessary documentation arrived after he had already been deported to Mozambique. Consequently, the warrant for his arrest issued by Zimbabwe was superseded by these events. Dube exploited the bureaucracy in document processing and claimed Mozambican nationality, supported by some identification documents from that country.

It is believed that after fleeing Zimbabwe in 2021, Dube became involved with a syndicate engaged in producing counterfeit identity documents in South Africa and Eswatini.

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