Commotion as strange hyena mauls Chief Gwasira and 5 villagers in terrifying attack


In a series of terrifying incidents, a hyena has unleashed chaos and fear in Makoni District, leaving a trail of injured victims in its wake. At least six people have fallen victim to the elusive creature, with some sustaining severe injuries and requiring hospitalization.

Among those attacked, two individuals are currently receiving medical treatment, while another unfortunate soul now bears the scars of a deformed face, an indelible reminder of the encounter.

A concerned villager shared a harrowing account of the hyena’s aggression, recounting an incident near the Maendaenda dam. It was there that a man named Neilrake found himself face to face with the fearsome animal. In desperate need of assistance, Neilrake’s desperate cries for help echoed through the air. Responding swiftly, another villager armed with an axe valiantly struck the hyena, forcing it to retreat into the shadows.

Neilrake suffered significant injuries in the encounter, with bites to his arm and severe damage to his nose and mouth. His critical condition necessitated his transfer to a hospital in Harare, where he continues to receive medical care.

The unsettling reign of terror persisted, as witnessed by the Chikandiwa family and Chief Gwasira. While driving toward the Tembo area, they suddenly encountered a commotion near the same bridge where Neilrake had been attacked. Alarmed, they halted their vehicle, eager to assist those in distress. To their horror, they discovered a couple in the clutches of the hyena’s wrath. Acting swiftly, they tried to fend off the relentless assailant, which was relentlessly pursuing the woman. In a shocking turn of events, Chief Gwasira became the next target, sustaining a bite to his leg. Urgently, he was transported to Harare for immediate medical attention.

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