High drama: Man in deep trouble after catching his sister having lula lula with her boyfriend


A 31-year-old man from Makuzeze Village, located in Mphoengs, Matabeleland South province, has received a 12-month jail sentence for intruding into his sister’s bedroom and discovering her in bed with her partner.

Ntando Ngwenya, charged with unlawful entry into premises under Section 131 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act Chapter 9:23, appeared before Plumtree resident magistrate Shumirai Mutimodhlo. He pleaded guilty and was subsequently sentenced to 12 months in prison, with six months suspended for five years on the condition of good behaviour. Furthermore, the remaining six months were also suspended on the condition that he performs community service.

According to the agreed facts presented in court, on the night of September 16 at approximately 11 pm, Ntando visited his sister, Esther Ncube. He knocked twice on her bedroom door but received no response. Suspecting that someone might be in the room, he forcibly entered and discovered his sister in bed with her boyfriend, Clement Sibanda. Ntando, holding a torch, confronted his sister about her relationship with Sibanda.

Unfortunately, this confrontation led to a heated exchange of harsh words between Ntando and Esther. Feeling embarrassed, Ntando exited the bedroom, leaving his sister and her lover to continue their lula lula activities undisturbed. Subsequently, Esther reported the incident to the police, resulting in Ntando’s arrest.

The State was represented in court by Arnold Mudekunye.

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