Turmoil in Mthwakazi party: Mqondisi Moyo who tried to create a new country ousted in surprise coup


Leadership Change Rocks Mthwakazi Republic Party

The Mthwakazi Republic Party (MRP) in Zimbabwe is experiencing major upheaval as divisions within have led to the ousting of its leader, Mqondisi Moyo. An interim committee has now taken charge with a mandate to organize an elective congress next year.

Moyo founded the MRP in 2014 with a platform advocating for the secession of Matabeleland from Zimbabwe into an independent Mthwakazi state. However, at a meeting this past weekend, party members voted to remove him from his position, citing abuse of power and lack of respect in his handling of internal affairs.

The newly appointed interim spokesperson, Mbonisi Gumbo, explained the decision was due to years of mismanagement that damaged the MRP’s reputation. He took aim at Moyo’s “unprovoked public insults of prominent Matabeleland individuals and organizations.” Gumbo stressed that hate speech and slander must end going forward.

Despite the ouster, Moyo disputes the legitimacy of the vote. He maintains control of the party and sees the move as an attempt to hijack the MRP. Tensions are clearly running high as competing factions jostle for control of this movement.

Past warnings from President Emmerson Mnangagwa against pushing a separatist agenda may have also turned up the heat within MRP ranks. Only time will tell if the interim committee can indeed mend relations and set the party on a new, more united path with fresh leadership selected democratically next year.

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