Police have released the names of four victims who died after 39 mine workers were trapped in a mine shaft last Friday at Bayhorse Mine in Chegutu.
The names of the four victims who were positively identified by their next of kin are Forbes Murombedzi (24) of Village 11 in Musengezi, Tawanda Gavaza (28) of Village 11 in Musengezi Resettlement, Godfree Baro (27) of Mariyapera Compound in Chegutu and Lloyd Mashavave (40) of Waverly in Kadoma.
The bodies of the victims were taken to Chegutu Hospital for post mortem.
Police said nine mine workers were rescued and are admitted at Kadoma Hospital.
Asst Comm Nyathi said more information will be released in due course as rescuing operations are still underway.