Explosive fracas erupts as beloved comedian Sabhuku Vharazipi joins Zanu PF bootlickers club


Comedian Sabhuku Vharazipi and his Ziya Cultural Arts Trust trio have recently found themselves embroiled in controversy as they join the ranks of artists benefiting from their support of Zimbabwe’s ruling party, Zanu PF, and President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

In a skit video, Vharazipi and his colleagues showered praises on Mnangagwa’s government, as well as controversial businessman Sir Wicknell, who has been generously gifting luxurious vehicles to artists such as Chief Hwenje and DJ Masomere.

The video caught the attention of Sir Wicknell Chivayo, who was thrilled by their performance and promised to grant the trio a generous sum of US$10,000 each as a token of appreciation. Chivayo expressed his delight, stating that the video had associated him with greatness for the rest of his life. However, critics were quick to label the trio as desperate bootlickers, accusing them of creating the skit solely to gain favour and receive gifts from Chivayo.

The Ziya Cultural Arts Trust trio is the latest addition to a growing list of artists who have been rewarded by Chivayo for their support of President Mnangagwa’s administration. Chief Hwenje, known for his song “ED Pfee,” which became an anthem at Zanu PF rallies during the 2018 elections, gained fame once again during this year’s campaign with his hit song “Mai Welly,” which resonated with Zanu PF supporters.

Other artists who have received gifts from Zanu PF include Holy Ten, Ricky Fire, and DJ Masomere. It has been observed that the ruling party has been actively engaging artists during election campaigns, aiming to leverage their influence to attract support from their respective fan bases.

While the Ziya Cultural Arts Trust trio’s skit has garnered attention and sparked controversy, it reflects a broader trend of artists aligning themselves with political parties and receiving gifts in return. Such alliances between artists and politicians serve as a means to rally support for political figures and parties, particularly during election periods.

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