Thieves break into shop, get away with goods worth US$6 000

File Pic; Thief

Harare Businesswoman Victim of Burglary

Bridget Makoni, a businesswoman located in Harare, Zimbabwe’s capital city, was the victim of a burglary at her shop on Tuesday night, according to police reports. Thieves broke into Ms. Makoni’s shop on Bank Street by entering through the roof. They made off with some cash and 48 cellphones totalling over US$6,000 worth of goods and merchandise.

Inspector Luckmore Chakanza, a spokesperson for the Harare provincial police, stated that authorities are actively investigating the incident. Inspector Chakanza noted that the stolen items taken from Ms. Makoni’s shop are valued at approximately $6,359. Unfortunately, none of the goods have been recovered as of now.

The break-in of Ms. Makoni’s business represents an unfortunate violation and financial loss for a local entrepreneur. The police investigation aims to bring the perpetrators to justice and recover the stolen property. Let us hope the culprits are apprehended swiftly so Ms. Makoni and others feel secure once more in Zimbabwe’s capital city.

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