Turmoil in Zanu PF: Bhora musango mastermind in serious trouble!


ZANU PF, the ruling party in Chipinge South, has taken action against Mr. Robert Nyemudzo, an aspiring candidate who was disqualified from the recent elections. Nyemudzo has been summoned for a disciplinary hearing, accused of orchestrating a “bhora musango,” a strategy that allegedly contributed to the party’s failure to retain the seat. The opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) candidate, Mr. Clifford Hlatswayo, emerged as the winner, defeating ZANU PF’s Enock Porusingazi.

Nyemudzo is also accused of establishing parallel party structures within the district. He is expected to appear before the provincial disciplinary committee, chaired by Cde Linda Matatu, on September 15th at the party’s provincial offices in Mutare.

Cde Matatu issued a letter to Nyemudzo, serving as a prohibition order that bars him from engaging in party activities until the matter is resolved. The letter outlines the allegations against Nyemudzo, including funding the bhora musango strategy in Chipinge South and creating parallel structures within the party.

Despite attempts to contact Mr. Nyemudzo, he could not be reached for comment. ZANU PF provincial chairman, Cde Tawanda Mukodza, confirmed the disciplinary proceedings, emphasizing the party’s determination to address such issues promptly to prevent further complications. He stressed the importance of the party taking decisive action in such cases.

The problems in Chipinge South constituency arose after Nyemudzo’s disqualification, even though he had initially emerged as the winner in the ZANU PF primary elections against Porusingazi. His disqualification resulted from his involvement in operating an illegal brewery in Checheche Town, a violation of the Harmful Liquids Act, Chapter 9:10. Nyemudzo was subsequently convicted and sentenced to two years in prison by Chipinge magistrate Mr. Franklin Mkwananzi. However, Nyemudzo has appealed the verdict to a higher court.

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