Defiant CCC MPs take a stand against Mnangagwa’s alleged victory amidst harassment over yellow ties


The Citizens Coalitions for Change (CCC) saw its legislators sworn in at the new Parliament Building in Mt Hampden, despite earlier indications of a potential boycott. The CCC has been vocal about alleged electoral fraud and is now demanding a fresh election supervised by the Southern African Development Community (Sadc) and the African Union.

While attending the swearing-in ceremony, CCC deputy spokesperson, Gift “Ostallos” Siziba, clarified that their presence should not be misconstrued as an endorsement of President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s victory. Siziba emphasized that their participation was merely a matter of protocol, asserting, “This is not an endorsement of Zanu PF’s alleged win, but just protocol. We cannot endorse electoral theft.”

However, CCC national organizing secretary Amos Chibaya expressed concerns that party members faced harassment for wearing yellow ties. Chibaya attributed this behavior to Zanu PF members, stating, “I think it’s Zanu PF members who don’t want to see anything yellow. The yellow ties had no party symbols.”

Zanu PF currently holds 136 Members of Parliament (MPs) and 33 Senators, while the CCC has 73 MPs and 27 Senators. Despite their differing political affiliations, both CCC and Zanu PF MPs expressed excitement at being sworn in and shared their aspirations for their respective mandates.

CCC legislator Gift Mambipiri from Kadoma emphasized his commitment to fulfilling the wishes of the people who elected him, vowing that “the people’s vote will never go to waste.” Pashor Sibanda, CCC MP for Cowdray Park, highlighted their party’s intention to reconstruct the parliamentary agenda and address past abuses. Sibanda, who defeated outgoing Finance minister Mthuli Ncube, stated, “We have seen how Parliament has been abused before.”

Meanwhile, Zanu PF’s Hwedza South legislator, Tinoda Machakaire, stressed the importance of productive engagement in Parliament, saying, “It’s not about coming to Parliament to make noise, but it’s about coming to develop and give the nation what we can do, what we were voted for by our constituencies for the betterment of our country.” Tatenda Mavetera, Zanu PF legislator for Chikomba West, echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the responsibility to represent constituents and advocate for their interests through legislation.

The swearing-in of CCC legislators amid the ongoing controversy surrounding alleged electoral fraud has further intensified political discussions. The demand for a fresh election supervised by Sadc and the African Union reflects the CCC’s commitment to ensuring transparent and fair electoral processes. As Zimbabwe’s political landscape evolves, it remains to be seen how these developments will shape the future of the nation and its democratic principles.

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