Jailed notorious robber Musa Taj Abdul returns to court for jaw-dropping new robbery charges!

Taj Abdul

JAILED notorious armed robber, Musa Taj Abdul, has appeared in court facing fresh charges of robbery.

Abdul is presently serving a jail term for similar charges, with other pending cases of armed robbery and unlawful possession of guns and ammunition hanging over his head.

The alleged armed robbery occurred in 2019 in Highlands, Harare, where Abdul and his alleged accomplice, Charles Lundu demanded cash at gunpoint from their victim who surrendered US$5 800.

The court heard that the pair drove off in a BMW which they used as a get-away car.

Abdul is one of Zimbabwe’s most notorious criminals and is accused of masterminding a string of armed robberies that spun over two decades before he was arrested in 2020 in Beitbridge together with some of his accomplices.


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