Zimbabwe’s 2023 elections: South African President Cyril Ramaphosa sends message to ED Mnangagwa

President ED Mnangagwa and his South African counterpart Cyril Ramaphosa

Several leaders have sent congratulatory messages to President Mnangagwa and the ruling Zanu PF party following their victory in last week’s harmonised elections.

President Mnangagwa won the presidential election with 2 350 711 votes which translates to 52,6 percent of the vote beating his nearest challenger, CCC’s Mr Nelson Chamisa who got 1 967 343 (44pc) of the vote.

In a message on his X (formerly Twitter) handle last night South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said: “I congratulate President Emmerson Mnangagwa on his re-election. I wish him and the people of Zimbabwe well for the upcoming term.”

In an earlier statement yesterday the Presidency of South Africa congratulated the Government and the people of Zimbabwe for organising the harmonised elections.

“South Africa is conscious that these elections took place under a difficult economic environment due to the burdening sanctions which the people of Zimbabwe continue to unjustly endure.

“Furthermore, South Africa has taken note of the preliminary pronouncements by the invited International Observers Missions including the African Union and the South African Development Community Observer Missions. South Africa calls on all the parties in Zimbabwe to work in unison in sustaining peace and work towards development and shared prosperity.”

The Russian Federation also congratulated Zimbabwe for holding peaceful elections, with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs saying: “The parliamentary elections resulted in the majority vote for the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front in the National Assembly. The results of the voting demonstrated broad support for the policies being implemented by President Mnangagwa to strengthen the statehood and ensure internal stability, to carry out reforms favourable for a further progressive development of the country on the basis of ensuring rights and interests of various groups and sectors of the Zimbabwean society.

“Moscow reaffirms its eagerness to strengthen and enhance the relations of comprehensive partnership and mutually beneficial cooperation with the friendly Republic of Zimbabwe as well as to proceed with tight coordination in international and regional affairs.”

In a statement, the deputy director of Information at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Mr Wang Wenbin said: “At Zimbabwe’s invitation, China sent an observer mission there.

“The mission believes that the elections were held in a peaceful and orderly fashion with active participation by the people. We have noted the result released by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission and extend congratulations to President Mnangagwa. We stand ready to work with the new Government to bring our two countries’ comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership to new heights.”

“China adheres to the principle of non-interference in other countries’ internal affairs. We respect the Zimbabwe people’s choice, wish the country continued stability after the election and greater progress in pursuing national development and prosperity.”

In a message on her X (formerly twitter) handle yesterday, Tanzania’s President Samia Suluhu Hassan congratulated President Mnangagwa saying she looked forward to continue working together with him. “On behalf of the Government and the people of the United Republic of Tanzania, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to His Excellency, President @edmnangagwa on being re-elected as the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe. I am looking forward to continuing working together in fostering the historic, economic and diplomatic relations between Tanzania and Zimbabwe,” she said.

Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko also congratulated President Mnangagwa saying his victory and that of Zimbabwe was a vote of confidence in their development agenda.

“The electoral campaign has once again demonstrated the triumph of people’s justice in Zimbabwe,” the President of Belarus noted.

“The voting results have shown significant public support for the Vision 2030 strategy and its outcomes that were achieved, thanks to you and your Government despite the difficult foreign policy conditions. Under your leadership, the country will certainly continue to gradually build up its economic, industrial, scientific and cultural potential, and strengthen its positions in the international arena.”

President Lukashenko continued: “It is gratifying to see that Belarus-Zimbabwe cooperation remains on a solid footing. This was reaffirmed during our meeting in Harare in January and during numerous visits of government delegations that took place afterwards. Belarus will make every effort to advance the traditionally friendly and trust-based relations between Minsk and Harare to the level of strategic partnership.”

On Sunday Namibia’s leader, Hage Geingob also applauded Zanu PF and President Mnangagwa on their victory.

“On behalf of the people and Government of the Republic of Namibia, I extend warmest congratulations to @edmnangagwa on his re-election as President of Zimbabwe. I also extend felicitations to @ZANU PF_Official our sister party, on the victory in the peaceful elections of 23-08-23,” he said.

The secretary general for South Africa’s governing African National Congress (ANC) party Mr Fikile Mbalula has also congratulated President Mnangagwa on his re-election.

Although ANC has not yet released an official statement, Mr Mbalula said he accepted the results of the Zimbabwean elections.

Palestinian and Indian observer missions last week described the elections as transparent and peaceful.

The missions said the voting process was carried out according to international standards, despite delays in voting at some polling stations.

Mr Hisham Kuhail, the chief electoral officer of the Central Elections Commission of Palestine (CEC) said they focused on the procedural aspects of the electoral process and they were satisfied that everything had gone on smoothly.

— Herald

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