SEE RESULTS: Zanu PF’s resounding victory echoes revolutionary legacy


Mashonaland Central Province is called the home of the revolution following its exploits in the fight against the racist and colonial Ian Smith regime.

It is a province where people still live with scars and grief brought about by colonialists.

And for that, voters have no soft spot for any political party that is Western sponsored due to the atrocities perpetrated on the province.

This week’s elections provided a reminder to the opposition that the only party they know and want is Zanu PF, with the ruling party bagging all the 18 constituencies available, in most cases winning by wide margins against the CCC and independent candidates, in some cases.

Shamva district is leading the pack with the highest number of votes in its two constituencies, with Shamva South MP-elect Cde Joseph Mapiki garnering 31 068, compared to the CCC’s Patrick Tendai Mugwambi, who only managed a paltry 3 106.

The battering was also heavy in Shamva North where Cde Isac Chinodakufa polled 26 320 against Ms Mavis Maringisanwa of CCC’s 3 298.

Said Cde Chinodakufa: “I am very happy and I feel like I am on top of the world. So far, I am leading countrywide and I am following the results countrywide closely to see if any constituency will break my result.

“The secret to being the people’s choice is humility. Be humble and go back to the people who elected you and listen to what they want; (and) help them on things they want and do not impose.

“After the primary elections, everyone was on the side of the winning candidates. This way Zanu PF ensures that no one interferes with the candidates’ interest. Hatred will never take you anywhere.”

In Muzarabani North, Cde Zhemu Soda garnered 21 514 votes against Mr Agreement Kagura of CCC who got 1 423.

Former Zanu PF Youth League official Mr Godfrey Tsenengamu, found the going tough against his former party in Mt Darwin South, where he ran as an independent and was walloped by Cde Kudakwashe Mupamhanga of the ruling party who polled 20 153.

Also defeated in the same constituency was CCC’s Mr Reason Gura.

In Guruve North, Cde Tendai Pinduka got 23 539 votes against 3 660 polled by CCC’s Benson Tsikwa.

In Muzarabani South, Zanu PF’s Cde Benjamin Kabikira polled 22 526 against Mr Wellington Gweru of CCC got a measly 1 984 votes.

Cde Witness Jonga of Mt Darwin West emerged victorious after polling 21 127 votes against CCC’s Mativenga Utete who got 2 148 while an independent candidate Mr Zivanai Musanhu had 599.

In Rushinga, Cde Tendai Nyabani got 24 575 against Mr Cuthbert Mutero of CCC who had 4 254.

“I am very happy that people have confidence in Zanu PF and the person they are sending to Parliament,” said Cde Nyabani. “I am going to complete the work I managed to do during my first term. The majority of challenges, including access to potable water, clinics and lack of teachers, were addressed. This work cannot be done overnight.

“This time I want to attend to road rehabilitation from Harare to Nyabawa in my constituency bearing in mind that I am the Secretary of Transport and Welfare at provincial level.”

A good road network, he said, attracts investors.

Cde Nyabani said his wish was to address the communication network challenges.

In Bindura North, Cde Kenneth Musanhi of Zanu PF polled 16 513 votes, defeating the CCC’s Mr Zvidzai Kajokoto who got 12 044, while and independent candidate Mr Josephat Kavhukatema got 236.

In Mazowe South, Cde Norbert Tichaona Mazungunye won by 15 973 votes against Mr Rangarirai Chari of CCC who had 6 772.

— Herald

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