Electoral Chaos Looms: Nelson Chamisa’s CCC exposes ballot paper scandal, demands answers!

Nelson Chamisa

In a dramatic turn of events, the opposition party Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) has taken its fight for transparency to the Electoral Court. CCC, listed as the first applicant, has filed an urgent application demanding that the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) release crucial information regarding the printing of ballot papers for the upcoming harmonized elections on August 23, 2023.

The CCC, represented by Ian Makone, its secretary for elections and second applicant, argues that it has discovered that postal balloting by members of the uniformed forces and the printing of ballot papers are already underway. According to CCC, they are entitled to this information before the process begins, citing section 52A of the Electoral Act (Chapter 2:13).

The main opposition party is leaving no stone unturned in its quest for transparency. CCC is seeking a court order to compel ZEC to disclose the details of where and by whom the ballot papers for the upcoming elections were printed. Additionally, they demand to know the total number of ballot papers printed for the poll and the intended distribution of these papers to each polling station across the country.

Crucially, CCC is emphasizing the need for accountability in the electoral process. They insist that ZEC ensures that the total number of printed ballot papers does not exceed, by more than 10 percent, the number of eligible voters. To further guarantee transparency, CCC is also demanding that ZEC releases the serial numbers of the ballot papers intended for each polling station.

In their plea for relief, CCC highlights the urgency of the situation due to the alleged violation of the law. They stress the importance of the court’s intervention to prevent any advantage being gained by rival political parties through the breach of the constitution. CCC asserts that the provision of serial numbers would facilitate a proper audit of the entire process, enabling them to secure their rights and ensure verifiability.

With Zimbabwe heading towards the highly anticipated poll next week, tensions are running high. Opposition parties are raising concerns that the current situation favors the ruling Zanu PF party, which wields significant control over ZEC’s operations. The outcome of this urgent application filed by CCC could have far-reaching implications for the electoral process and the country’s political landscape.

As the Electoral Court prepares to hear this urgent matter, citizens eagerly await the court’s decision, hoping it will uphold the principles of transparency and fairness that are essential for a truly democratic process.

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