Chiwenga blasts shameless copycat Nelson Chamisa, exposes his desperate tactics ahead of elections


Zanu PF Vice President and Second Secretary Cde Constantino Chiwenga yesterday blasted opposition CCC leader Mr Nelson Chamisa for reproducing Zanu PF’s success stories under the Second Republic and packaging them as his party’s election manifesto.

Vice President Chiwenga said this while addressing thousands of Zanu PF supporters at Mkoba Stadium in Gweru yesterday.

Said Cde Chiwenga: “In his manifesto, this young man is trying to ride on the success of the Second Republic’s Pfumvudza programme and tries to give it another name called Zadzamatura.

“He is not even aware that the Second Republic has commissioned the Hwange Units 7 and 8 and rushes to say he wants to do the same when elected into government; does that make sense?”

Cde Chiwenga said instead of addressing the failure by the opposition, especially in urban councils, Mr Chamisa touched on areas that have already been dealt with by Zanu PF.

“There is rot in councils, they have failed in terms of service delivery, garbage is all over in towns, sewer and reticulation systems are in a very bad state. Instead of addressing these, he touched on issues already done by Zanu PF,” he said.

For 23 years, the opposition has run down urban areas, and it is now time the electorate voted them out, said Cde Chiwenga.

He said Mr Chamisa plans to hand back the country to former colonisers, after recently saying if he wins, the elections, he will call America and say “I have finished the job”.

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