Sh0cking scandal uncovered: School official’s alleged rɑpe of student sends sh0ckwaves


Authorities are conducting an investigation into a disturbing case at Msengezi High School, where a school official is alleged to have rɑpǝd a Form 3 student. The incident has sparked sh0ck and concern within the community.

According to the headmaster, George Rambanepasi, the accused staff member has been suspended from his duties pending the outcome of the investigation. The headmaster emphasized that due to the ongoing police investigation, the school is unable to provide further details at this time. However, he did mention that the alleged rɑpǝ involved a day scholar who is underage and was reportedly in a relɑtionship with the perpetrator.

Mashonaland West police provincial spokesperson, Inspector Margaret Chitove, stated that she is currently unaware of the matter and cannot comment until she receives more information.

This case comes to light shortly after another incident of violence at the same school was exposed by NewsDay Weekender. In that incident, a student suffered broken bones in a suspected case of bullying. The headmaster acknowledged the incident and assured parents that appropriate measures have been taken to address the matter. The suspects involved in the bullying incident have been identified, and their parents have been notified. They will be excluded from the school.

Msengezi High School, which enrolls approximately 1,000 students, is now facing scrutiny and concern from the community. Parents and guardians are anxiously awaiting the outcome of the investigations, hoping for justice to be served and for measures to be implemented to ensure the safety and well-being of all students.

The authorities are working diligently to gather all the necessary information and evidence to ensure a fair and thorough investigation. It is a critical time for the school and the community, highlighting the importance of safeguarding students and addressing any misconduct promptly and effectively.

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