LATEST: MDC leader Douglas Mwonzora vows to right the wrongs of the past with bold new plan


In a stunning announcement at the party’s manifesto launch, MDC leader Douglas Mwonzora has pledged to compensate black farm workers who lost their jobs during the government’s controversial land reform program.

The programme, which began in 2000, saw white farmers forcibly removed from their land without compensation, causing widespread economic disruption and social unrest. While the government has pledged to pay US$3.5 billion to these white farmers, little attention has been paid to the thousands of black workers who were also affected.

“We must recognise the hardships faced by these workers who lost their jobs when white farmers were displaced. It is our duty to right the wrongs of the past and ensure their rightful compensation,” Mwonzora said.

The MDC leader also pledged to roll out free education and maternal health services, saying that “education is the cornerstone of a prosperous society” and that “no woman should have to bear the burden of childbirth without proper care and support.”

The announcement has been widely praised by supporters of the MDC, who see it as a bold move to address the inequalities of the past. However, critics have accused Mwonzora of simply trying to win votes ahead of the upcoming presidential election on August 23.

Whatever the motives behind the announcement, it is clear that Mwonzora is taking a strong stance on issues that matter to Zimbabweans. Whether this will be enough to win him the presidency remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: the MDC is not afraid to tackle the tough issues head-on.

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