Heartbreaking Story: Mother disowned by son who claims she’s his wife!


A woman from Kambuzuma, Gertrude Savanhu, has come forward with a distressing account of her strained relationship with her son. She claims that her son, Tongaishe Chatukuta, not only disowns her but also goes as far as referring to her as his wife. Fearing for her safety, Gertrude has taken the step of applying for a peace order against her son.

During the hearing at the Harare Civil Court, Gertrude recounted the physical and verbal abuse she has endured at the hands of her son. She stated that Tongaishe, who is allegedly a drug addict, frequently assaults her, hurls insults, and even threatens her life. To add to the distressing situation, he demands the rent money she collects from her tenants and steals her belongings to support his addiction.

Magistrate Sharon Mashavira inquired about Gertrude’s previous attempts to seek help from the police. Gertrude revealed that she had reported her son to the authorities in the past, resulting in his incarceration. However, she expressed deep concern for the safety of her Form Three daughter, fearing that Tongaishe may harm her in her absence. Gertrude firmly pleaded for her son to be compelled to leave her residence.

Considering the gravity of the situation and Tongaishe’s failure to appear in court, Magistrate Mashavira granted Gertrude the requested peace order. The order aims to provide Gertrude with legal protection and ensure her safety by prohibiting Tongaishe from engaging in any form of violence or harassment towards her.

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