Chaotic scene unfolds in Harare as truck drops crates of beer at roundabout


A truck loaded with crates of beer caused chaos in Harare after it lost control at the Airport Road roundabout, spilling its cargo onto the street. But what happened next was truly sh0cking.

As the beer spilled onto the pavement, a stampede ensued, with people seizing the opportunity to help themselves to free beer. The incident was caught on camera, showing a multitude of individuals pouring beer into empty containers and running off with crates of brew.

Social media was abuzz with comments from people who had missed out on the free beer, expressing their regret and wishing they had been there to join in on the action.

But while the incident may have seemed like a bit of fun to some, it highlights a worrying trend of people taking advantage of accidents to help themselves to goods that don’t belong to them.

Instances like this have occurred repeatedly, with people helping themselves to everything from sweets to fuel. It’s a dangerous trend, with tragic incidents occurring where people have lost their lives while attempting to siphon fuel from overturned tankers.

While it may seem like harmless fun to some, incidents like this are not to be taken lightly. It’s important to remember that these goods belong to someone else, and taking advantage of an accident is not only illegal but also puts people’s lives at risk.

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