War vets deliver devastating blow to Nelson Chamisa’s hopes in ‘game-changing’ election pledge

War Veterans Secretary Douglas Mahiya

The Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association has pledged to deliver a whopping 1.4 million votes for President Emmerson Mnangagwa and the ruling Zanu PF party in next month’s elections.

In an exclusive interview with The Herald, the feisty war vets boss Douglas Mahiya boasted that the former freedom fighters will ensure a comfortable victory for their comrades-in-arms.

“As war veterans, we have become united after the formation of the war veterans league under the second republic and we are working together towards mobilization of votes for President Mnangagwa and the ruling party,” Mahiya declared.

The war veterans leader revealed that the massive vote bank includes not just veterans themselves, but also their wives, children, grandchildren and “all those who grew up under the custodians of war veterans”.

Mahiya said former fighters have been busy spreading Zanu PF’s “liberation spirit” among the young ones who now form an “holistic constituency” for the party.

The war veterans are also organising their “1.5 million men march” through Harare to demonstrate the force behind their vow to swing the elections for Mnangagwa.

Zanu PF insiders have welcomed the war vets’ pledge, knowing that former fighters still command huge respect – especially in rural areas – for their role in the liberation struggle.

But opposition fans have questioned whether the war veterans still have the organizational muscle and popularity to deliver such a massive vote – labelling their promise as “hot air”.

Only the ballot box will tell whether Mahiya and his cohorts can make good on their vow to help Zanu PF cruise to another controversial election victory. Stay tuned!

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