Chaos in Beitbridge: Chamisa HUMILIATED – Top officials boycott as CCC rally turns into disaster


Nelson Chamisa’s CCC rally descended into chaos yesterday as top party officials snubbed the opposition leader, leaving him to address a sparse crowd alone at Dulivhadzimu Stadium.

Chamisa, who has been struggling to unite the fractured opposition, turned up without the support of key lieutenants Tendai Biti, Welshman Ncube and Thokozani Khupe – who have been distancing themselves amid an ugly row over CCC candidate selections.

The farcical rally was hit with serious technical glitches as Chamisa battled with a poor sound system for over an hour while the tiny crowd dwindled in the searing mid-afternoon heat.

Eventually supporters took matters into their own hands, fixing the cables to allow Chamisa to spout well-worn campaign promises that bear little resemblance to the realities on the ground.

The embattled CCC boss parroted policy pledges already being implemented by Zanu-PF like national healing, social grants for the poor, rural transformation, dam construction and trying to fight corruption.

He appeared out of touch as he promised to build new passport offices and birth registry centres, unaware one already exists in Beitbridge thanks to the current government.

As Chamisa droned on in the stadium, it seemed clear many CCC supporters had lost patience with their chaotic and rudderless leadership.

The shambolic rally showed the opposition in disarray, highlighting the depths Chamisa must plumb to rescue his faltering political career.

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