Drama as opposition candidate Gomba withdraws his candidature and joins Zanu PF ahead of elections


DEMOCRATIC Opposition Party (DOP) National Assembly candidate for the Bulawayo South Constituency Mr Edmore Gomba has withdrawn his candidature and vowed to rally behind the ruling party candidate Cde Raj Modi in the August 23 harmonised elections.

Mr Gomba who filed his nomination papers on June 21, yesterday announced that he has ditched DOP for Zanu-PF during a press conference in Bulawayo, which was attended by the ruling party’s provincial leadership.

He said he was wowed by key development projects being implemented under the Second Republic in line with President Mnangagwa’s development agenda of leaving no place and no one behind.

President Mnangagwa’s administration has adopted a deliberate strategy to channel more resources towards speeding up life-changing programmes including those that directly and indirectly impact the lives of all Zimbabweans.

“I was running for the National Assembly seat in Bulawayo South when I decided to leave my party DOP and decided to join the ruling party because of the tangible developments and works not by Cde Raj Modi, but by the Second Republic under the leadership of His Excellency, President ED Mnangagwa,” he said.

“Our President has shown us all that he has good leadership qualities by creating opportunities for all. In him, we have seen more actions than words when it comes to the attainment of the national vision 2030.”

He commended Cde Modi for spearheading development in his constituency since his election in 2018 and implored the electorate to retain him.

“I decided to withdraw my candidature in the coming elections and I will support Cde Modi for he is the best man suited for this office and his works speak for themselves. He has been doing great work for his community and for the past 32 years I have seen people being elected into high offices, but they have never matched Cde Modi when it comes to serving the electorate,” said Mr Gomba.

“Cde Modi goes out of his way to assist people and today I pledge my support for him and will work with him to achieve Vision 2030. I urge my colleagues in the opposition camp to support Cde Modi as he is the right man to save the Bulawayo South constituency. Vote for President Mnangagwa and Cde Modi and I am also making a special plea to the Zanu-PF leadership to accept me in the party and be a full member.”

He said Zanu-PF is a people-driven party unlike opposition parties.

“To those who were my supporters, I urge you to rally behind Cde Modi and give me the kind of support that you gave me when I was still your candidate,” said Mr Gomba.

Zanu-PF secretary for administration for Bulawayo province, Cde Raymond Mtomba said Mr Gomba’s bold decision is a testimony of the development agenda being driven by the Second Republic.

“Everyone was born in Zanu-PF and the party is a revolutionary home to everyone. Mr Gomba decided to join Zanu-PF on his own accord after soul searching and witnessing development in our country in terms of infrastructure, economic growth in mining and agriculture,” he said.

“If you are still in the wilderness, we are saying follow the light and the President is holding the light in the wilderness.

There is no longer light at the end of the tunnel, but the President is holding light in the tunnel.”

“We are saying to Cde Gomba welcome to Zanu-PF and we are looking forward to working with you in mobilising support for our President Cde ED Mnangagwa, our MP Cde Raj Modi, and our councillor Cde Archibald Chiponda to win the elections resoundingly.”

— Chronicle

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