Another accident at Mabvuku black spot


Another vehicle accident occurred yesterday along the deadly stretch of the Harare-Mutare Highway just after the Mabvuku turn-off, which has been the site of numerous accidents claiming many lives.

The driver of a Jeep lost control of the vehicle and collided with a kombi, or public minibus, that was travelling along the road. Several people were injured in the crash, including the Jeep driver. The exact number of injured people and extent of their injuries has not yet been released.

The stretch of highway near the Mabvuku turn-off has gained a notorious reputation as a “death zone” due to the number of horrific accidents that have occurred there. Negligent driving and high traffic volume have all contributed to the dangers along this section of the Harare-Mutare Highway.

The latest crash again highlights the urgent need for safety upgrades along the deadly stretch of highway near Mabvuku to help prevent further injuries and loss of life. Unless action is take, more accidents appear inevitable given the hazards that currently plague this notorious section of road.

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